Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Lion Gorge, Thurrock

Our mother earth has ancient wounds and fresh
where pelting asteroids have scarred her face
or men have sucked at her sustaining flesh
deriving substance from her fond embrace.
Here they have dug out pallid pits for chalk
where once were places set with ornaments,
with velvet lawns for silence or soft talk
amidst delightful slopes and herbal scents.
Among the naked poppies, one by one
I planted acorns; that was long ago.
From water to the pit’s edge, green was spun
by root and tendril where the oak trees grow.
Around the pits, upon the fertile ground,
a new suburbia spreads all around.

Elizabeth Quéripel of Guernsey 

Liz Taylor had eight husbands I believe.
Zsa Zsa Gabor: eight times she changed her spouse.
Good housekeepers they are for when they leave
a man he always lets them keep the house.
Liz Querépel was lovelier than both
and never made a pledge she could not keep.
To go with gallant men she was not loth
but on a marriage bed she would not sleep.
Wild daughter of a wicked witch she was
yet lived among the gentry of the isle;
abandoning the kids she bred because
she liked to leave a lover with a smile.
If when the Germans came she slept with Fritz…
Well! Women must. It won’t be me who spits.

From 'The Book of Ebenezer' Le Page by G. B. Edwards

Archbishop Valerian Trifa (1914-1987)

His former rule of life perhaps you know:
to guard the old tradition to the death.
‘The faithful had no other way to go
than fight to save it till their dying breath.’
In 1941 he took the bayonet
against the hapless Jews of Bucharest
and so befriended Himmler, viler yet
than Trifa was. The Feds found out the rest:
he claimed asylum in the USA;
rose in the church. A holy penitent?
The careful Nazi clerks had filed away
the chummy mail to Himmler that he sent.
Was Paul redeemed on the Damascus Way
and is redemption possible today?

"For you have heard of my previous way of life in Judaism, how intensely I persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it. I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people and was extremely zealous for the traditions of my fathers.’
Saint Paul

Saturday, February 9, 2019


un over earth, a brusque untimely warning
to nubile night, for morning pales the moon
with fiery chariots of dazzle dawning
and comes upon our loving bed too soon.
I am no tiller of infertile earth. 
I don’t expect a kindly, new tomorrow
to turn our mix of madness into mirth
to fetch us more of gladness than of sorrow
and give our failing enterprise rebirth.
Beyond the bedroom is a world of care,
precedent plenty driven into dearth.
Because I’m love-sick for the flowers there
I cultivate our couch for all I’m worth;
they grow the better for the purple night
and turn unwelcome day to dark delight.

What’s that went past?
The road is dark.
A doe has wandered from the park.
A furious approach she hears
that swiftly nears.

The road is black,
a blaze of light.
She cannot move to left nor right
a blinding dazzle binds her here
in rigid fear.

The tyres scream.
The hooters blare.
She calls in terror and despair.
The cry is passed from deer to deer
that death is here. 

The Third Law

I throw down my challenge, Fate,
Chaos, Fortune, Chance…
whatever you wish to call yourself.
I defy your imperative force.
In your anonymous face
I fling my glove.

Reader, why should I try to deceive you
in the attempt to deceive myself?
Chance rules the life of man.

I cannot oppose it;
for its creature, time,
works its Paganini tune,
scratching its legs like the desert locust
on a gypsy violin,
irretrievably eating its way
across the cosmos.

Kiss me and I shall return

Kiss me and I shall return
like the salmon to the burn
surely as the rising sun
comes to say the day’s begun.
I’ll return forever after
like the swallow to the rafter,
like the honey-seeking bee,
if you give your kiss to me.
On your ruby lips your laughter 
shines and sparkles like a sign.
Kisses of your mouth hereafter
bring your soul the gift of mine, 
Learn the secret of my heart:
kiss and we shall never part.