Monday, April 22, 2013

Into your song I gradually dissolve;
you whisper in the dusk, the twilight dies.
Through you I see eternities revolve
for love allows me vision through your eyes
and you through mine for we are both in thrall
to that sweet essence that now unifies
my willing soul with yours, commanding all.
 By Muraski Shikibu (974-1031) daughter of Fujiwara no Tametoki 

My thoughts, like drops of morning dew,
my dreams, unsteady butterflies,
are scattered when I think of you:
my love, my fate, my lucky prize.
Wild as I am, I cherish, clasp
my butterfly but still it flies
or perishes within my grasp.
Muraski Shikibu (974-1031) daughter of Fujiwara no Tametoki .

The sound of footsteps leaving is a blade
between my shoulders piercing through and through.
I tremble as I hear your footfalls fade
while wishing every happiness for you.
Towards a barren shore I make my start
where I shall dwell in desolation made
by one to whom I rashly give my heart.
 Muraski Shikibu (974-1031) daughter of Fujiwara no Tametoki .

© roy ballard 2013



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