Thursday, October 31, 2013

Sapphic stanza

Winter rondeau
O let us go! For summer seems
already come and golden beams
warm leafless banks although they're bare;
wild honey seems to scent the air
and ghostly mayflies haunt the streams.
I catch your words and eye which gleams
and tells me that it ill beseems
and yet the sunny banks are fair.
O let us go!
We have surpassed the wanton themes
that jealous muses bring to dreams
with ravishments beyond compare.
But now I am in disrepair
and O how cold the weather seems.
O let us go!

November, summer’s cooling ember,
is a death: you cannot blow
into its heart and make it glow.
November days, in summer’s ashes,

dressed in gold and russet splashes,

strip their clothes, show every member

naked in the blinding, low,
unwarming sun or else they blow
with rougher winds than we remember;
leaves and flowers, down they go;
the dark is here; there will be snow.
The spring will come; I know, I know.
and yet there is no switch to throw
to make November burn and so
we coldly go into December.

Sapphic Stanza
A summer’s day I asked you in your garden,
on the sunken lawn bordered by roses,
if we could come together as before;
that summer never fades.

©Roy Ernest Ballard 2013

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